Besides the design work, illustrations, motion graphics and animations, I also work on creative community projects.

Go See! Go 3D!!

In 2017/2018 I was lead artist in the GoSee!Go3D!! project which spanned almost the entire school year for pupils at Chiltern Primary School. Sponsored by Wykeland Beal and managed by Elaine Burke, I was tasked with developing a schedule of activity for the children which would enable them to develop product concepts, to refine those ideas into viable products for consumers, to produce 3D prototypes from 2D designs, create marketing and business plans, and learn presentation skills in order to ultimately present their products to a team of dragons.

I produced lesson plans, delivered sessions, liaised and worked with teachers, supported mentors, delivered training to teachers, provided ongoing evaluation, and assisted the children at every step along the way. The pupils amazed us all with the inventiveness of their ideas and their dedication to completing all aspects of the project. Their final presentations were brilliant and I have never been more proud of a group that I’ve worked with.


Looking back at what we all achieved together, the project was immensely challenging for everyone and pushed our comfort zones but I think it had a remarkable effect on every single person involved. The pupils rose to meet expectations and then rocketed on to heights which left us speechless. The mentors found themselves more emotionally invested in their groups than they’d ever thought possible, and I had the privilege to work with an incredible lead teacher who went from cautiously agreeing to be part of it to being a pillar of enthusiasm and unstoppable dedication to making it a success.



In September 2020, I was lead artist on a very rapid project sponsored by Wykeland and developed by Elaine Burke with Chiltern Primary School. The pandemic meant that the project had to be delivered online which made it a little more difficult than usual but we all got through it with minimal hiccups.

The children were tasked with creating designs for what they would like their city to look like in the future, and I delivered a quick series of sessions to inspire them with construction projects around the world and teach them the necessary skills to go beyond 2D drawing into the realms of 3D perspective drawing. I collated their finished drawings into 3 matching scenes and they were printed on hoardings to be displayed outside one of Wykeland’s Fruit Market developments.

One hoarding is now on display within the building and the remaining two are displayed at Chiltern. The children put a great deal of thought and effort into their designs and I’m very pleased for them that their work has been featured so prominently!


Future Me

In 2014 I was lead artist on another Wykeland sponsored project, developed by Elaine Burke with St Nicholas Primary School in Beverley. My role was to explore future careers with a small team of pupils and teach them the skills they’d need to draw colourful self portraits reflecting their chosen paths. The pupils then cascaded what they had learned to the rest of the school and I arranged the images and quotes from the pupils into hoarding designs.


Other projects

I’ve worked on creative community projects since 1993, working with diverse groups including estate residents, refugees and asylum seekers, carers, secure mental health units, young offenders, primary and secondary schools, the Chinese community, children with MD, environmental groups, graffiti artists and residents of sheltered housing.

If you would be interested in learning more and / or getting me onboard with your own project then please drop me an email.