Linear Liberation

After years of existing only on my hard drive and my daughter’s bedroom wall, the residents of Linearland are now set free to bemuse or annoy the human populace. I hope you enjoy the stories, and I will be adding to them as things progress. I’m aiming to do a limited print run of a hardback book version which features some additional nonsense not shown on the website. On the album front, the first of the tracks is now done, created by an animal with a penchant for bleeping. It’s like a fractured memory of a moment and I love it. The rest have been put on hold due to the pandemic but I hope to get more done soon.

The products and prices shown are just wishful thinking at the moment - if you’re genuinely interested in buying something then drop me an email, and if I can get demand up to something reasonable then I’ll roll them out. Keep checking in here for more updates as they happen.


It’s been a while…